Friday, December 20, 2019

New Year's Resolutions

Happy Holiday Break! Let the egg nog and gift wrapping commence.  And while you’re at it I just want to quickly share a possible New Years Resolution activity.

As someone who has spent her career as a public school and college librarian, I have lived a wonder life of words, by design.  Numbers, not so much.  Sure I can create a rudimentary library budget in a spreadsheet, but I want to know how to make a spreadsheet work for me; to analyze the data; to use the numbers to tell a story or support ideas. Pivot tables? Charts?  Bring them on!

Google is offering a free course on Google Sheets through the online learning platform, Coursera. There are over 5800 people registered, BUT the hitch is it begins December 20.  It's a 5 week course, free to audit or $29 if you want a certificate.

Here's the link to register:

I plan on drinking my egg nog while I work through the lessons using our MiFi and my iPad in our little van camper as we travel to Connecticut for Christmas with family, and then onward to Cape Cod for dogwalking along the Canal. Since learning something new is always one of my resolutions, I can check that box with this course.  Are there any other 'word' people out there who want to be fluent in Good Sheets? Pop on over to the Coursera link and we can learn together!

Enjoy your family and friends this holiday season!

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